Static and the Winds of War

The Opposing Force

Weaponry and the delivery systems used today are far more diverse and sophisticated than those used in World War I and World War II.  The battles of these Great Wars, especially on the Western Front during World War I, was more about trench warfare when armies of millions of men faced each other in a line of trenches extending from the Belgian coast through northeastern France to Switzerland. Both opposing sides sitting in a dirty hole in proximity to each other, but with little movement. There was no way around the trenches, and the armor and protective gear worn back then was devastatingly inferior to the equipment used today by the most modern fighting machine in the world; the US Military.

The Static Concept

Static generally refers to stationary. Wikipedia states that in a “static battle” both sides suffer heavy casualties and battle lines move so slowly that the result is “static” – a lack of change.

Who doesn’t remember hearing about the Christmas truce? It was the time of ceasefires along the Western Front at Christmas 1914, when German and British soldiers crossed the trenches to exchange seasonal greetings and chat. They even allowed time to bury their fallen, and in some cases they held joint burial services.


On this Memorial Day, let us all remember those who have sacrificed on our behalf. For those of us at Static Clean, the word “static” has taken on a new meaning and it will always help us to remember not only our fallen soldiers who fought in the trenches of the Great Wars, but in every conflict that called our military personnel to duty.

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