MWV Medical WebVAC
Product Overview
MWV Medical WebVAC
The ideal solution for in-line cleaning of products and packaging materials on Horizontal Form Fill and Seal (FFS) Packaging Lines or other in-line assembly/packaging operations where a particulate-free outcome is a must!
Designed specifically to remove and source capture loose, dry, surface contaminants, the MWV incorporates multiple systems, proven to be effective and efficient:
- One or more tapered stainless-steel vacuum hoods, available in a variety of standard sizes, easily adjustable for optimal cleaning, suctions particulates off/out of your products and/or packaging.
- A Powerful Dust Collector with integral filtration and a HEPA filtered exhaust provides high-flow suction to the MWV hood(s) to source capture particles, removing them permanently from your process, products/materials and clean room. The dust collector comes in various sizes and voltages to match your needs.
- A High Performance 4103 Static Bars at each hood neutralizes the static-bond that holds particles on/in your parts for a better cleaning and eliminates recontamination due to ESA (electrostatic attraction of particles). Each bar has an LED to show the status of the bar, indicating if it needs cleaning or is in a fault condition.
- Dual Stainless-Steel air tubes at each hood entrain ionization from the static bar and deliver high-velocity neutralizing blow-off, greatly enhancing the system’s ability to purge stubborn particles out of nooks & crannies of parts with complex shapes
- A high-quality Filter-Regulator with 5-micron (primary) and 0.01-micron (secondary) filter elements assures your CDA (clean, dry compresses air) blowing onto/into your product is scrupulously clean. Pressure (psi) to the air tubes can be easily adjusted for maximum, efficient performance
Static Clean’s Medical WebVAC includes all the major components listed above, as well as vacuum hoses with clamps, air lines and fittings, everything you need to STOP wasting time and money. Locating the hood(s) right before the package is covered, sealed or pouched dramatically reduces tear-down due to FM (foreign matter) or PM (particulate matter)
Call Static Clean TODAY and let us help you with you our combined decades of experience, superior and unique products.
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