WebVAC Dust Collector (Models VQM5003, VQM5005, VQM5012)
Product Overview
VQM5003, VQM5005 & VQM5012 WebVAC Dust Collector with Hepa, 3/4 HP, 300 CFM w/1 – 3″ inlet collar w/ screws; pre-wired motor starter w/ 6ft cord for plug & play; 115v 60HZ, single phase unit, 30 sq. ft. cotton sateen filter, and left side air exhaust. Also available in:
WebVAC Vacuum Collector 1.5 HP, 500 CFM @ 5″ WG, w/1 – 4″ inlet collar w/ slide gate valve & flush mounted magnahelic gauge; 208-230/460V, 60HZ, 3PH; 60 sq. ft. of cotton sateen filter, integral sound attenuation; HEPA Option available but is optional.
WebVAC Vacuum Collector 3.0 HP, 1200 CFM @ 5″ WG, w/1 – 6″ inlet collar w/ slide gate valve & flush mounted magnahelic gauge; 208-230/460V, 60HZ, 3PH; 150 sq. ft. of cotton sateen filter, integral sound attenuation; HEPA Option available but is optional.
The typical WebVAC configuration first employs a static neutralizing bar to neutralize static electrical charges on the web that electrostatically bind contaminants to the surface. A gentle blast of compressed air supplied by the air tube lifts the contaminants from the web surface into the air. Vacuum from the vacuum collector then draws the airborne contaminants into the WebVAC hood, carries them to the collector and traps them in the collector’s filter bag module for safe disposal. In the contact cleaning mode a soft brush is mounted in front of the static bar to loosen the contaminants just prior to static neutralization and removal. In some special cases the position and sequence of the static bar, air tube and brush may vary but the WebVAC system will continue to follow the fundamental operating principle of static neutralization, compressed air blow-off and vacuum removal of dislodged and suspended contaminants.
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