Technical Papers

Technical Papers

Will the Big Bang Happen Again?

Big Bang…Again? According to the astrophysicists, the Big Bang that expanded and stretched the universe can’t happen again because the universe is still expanding. Will ...
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Technical Papers

How Are Books Made Today?

To understand the technology-driven, high speed, book manufacturing process of today, we first have to explore the history of book manufacturing through the ages. According ...
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Technical Papers

Remember the Van de Graaff Generator?

The Van de Graaff generator was invented in 1929 by American physicist Robert J. Van de Graaff. That\’s a great fact, but why did he ...
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Technical Papers

Ions for Health

I received a call back in 1985 from a guy in South Dakota looking to buy an ion for his brother. I told him that you ...
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Technical Papers

Cleanrooms: Controlled Environments

In a manufacturing environment, complete sterilization is more important than you might think. A cleanroom is a controlled environment where products are manufactured, typically found ...
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Technical Papers

A Hair-Raising Experience

“I can’t get the static out of my hair!” Ladies, you know what we’re talking about. Those of you with long hair (and gentlemen, too) ...
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Technical Papers

Cure Your Complications With Static

For the sake of this discussion, let’s assume that the world is made up of only two materials, conductors and insulators. Conductors tend to be mostly ...
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